A to Z Program Listing

Network of people dedicated to healthier lives for the children, youth and families of Abbotsford

Children & Youth with Special Needs

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Providing programs and services to children diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder,or eligible for the At Home Program that includes children who are assessed as dependent in at least three of four functioning activities of daily living.

Program Information

Services and funding options may be available for children or teens who have special needs and their families. Here are a few examples:

  • Social and life skills training for children and teens
  • Behavioural and other professional support services for children and teens
  • Respite, counselling, support groups and homemaker services to assist families

Children and Youth with Special Needs (CYSN) staff are available to discuss whether these services might be available to you and provide other useful information or support.

To find out more information please view the brochure below:


304-32463 Simon Ave., Abbotsford, BC V2T 5E3

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